Monday, October 31, 2011

Funny Story

So I saw this picture from a long time ago and it made me laugh. My friends Summer and Shaun came to visit and we wanted to watch a home movie we had made but we did not have a VHS player, So we asked Anne my sister. We did not know it at the time but Anne was newly pregnant and really sick so she no. We were so upset we did a protest.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Some Cute Pictures of Lillian

Some cute pictures of Lillian.

Lillian Juliet Welch

She is so sweet and easy! She hardly cries and sleeps a lot. I am in baby heaven and enjoying every minute of this tiny little creatures life. Porter and Rowan love her and we have seen no Jealousy. My sister Emily has been helping us and we are so grateful

Having a Baby!

39 Weeks pregnant!